Anyone can learn by heart successfully – you can achieve particularly quick learning success if you follow a few small tips that relate to your environment.

Create A Pleasant Working Atmosphere

Selective focus photo of smiling woman in a red long sleeve top reading book while listening to music on headphones

In order to get the most out of your ability to concentrate, the right atmosphere at the place of study can work wonders. First of all, you should find a place where you can find the right atmosphere for you. It doesn’t matter whether it’s as quiet as possible in the bib, under the tree in the garden, or in a café.

Design your place of work according to your taste, and maybe think of a few motivational sweets. On the one hand as a reward, on the other hand as an energy boost!

Pro tip: The healthy version in the form of an apple or banana is even better as an energy boost for the brain. Especially at the beginning of the learning phase. We also recommend that you sort all of your documents from the semester according to relevance. Learning is a lot more fun when you can use clean, well-structured notes. And think of looking for an essay writing service in advance, just in case you would need that additional support in the process of studying.

Put The Focus On Learning

Be consistent – avoid using your smartphone, the open Facebook window on your laptop, and other disruptions while studying. Without distractions, you will be able to focus on the learning material better. How you feel about music is up for you to decide. Music also helps many people to learn by heart – our tips: Avoid music with singing, lyrics, restless and fast melodies, and don’t make it too loud!

Take it easy: Stress is a damper on mental performance – the brain gets less oxygen due to psychological pressure. This affects learning performance. Breathing exercises can help you relax. Emotional baggage can also be a limitation. Try to eliminate conflicts before the learning phase. And if you feel too overloaded, grade miners could help you carry the weight of your academic load.

Be Realistic With Your Learning Goals


Start memorizing early to rule out last-minute panic and bulimic learning right away. It doesn’t matter that you cram for hours every day. You will already achieve success if you only go through your material for a short time each day. In order to motivate yourself regularly, you should therefore set yourself goals.

Preferably in small periods that are tight, but at the same time leave enough leeway. With these marks, you can regularly see your progress towards the overall goal. And if your goal is writing an essay, but you feel like not managing it on time, the best writing services could be an effective solution.

Regular Breaks Help Memorize Better

Researchers have found that small breaks in between lead to faster learning success. Learning content creates new neural connections in the brain. In order for these to consolidate, regular breaks are required. On the other hand, those who try to learn large amounts in one go tired quickly and achieve significantly less success.

So, take the time in between to get some fresh air, move around a bit and clear your head. If you want to learn a lot by heart as quickly as possible, sprints and regular breaks will make better progress than a marathon.

Methods Of Mnemonics For Memorization

Positive young african american lady holding light bulb in hand on gray background

You can use mnemonics to store information permanently in your long-term memory. This is memory training in which you develop various memory aids such as mnemonics or rhymes. You are particularly successful in memorizing with these methods if you develop funny memory aids that ideally have a connection to you and your environment.


Here, the learning content is linked to specific locations. You walk a specific route and assign different content to each point. You can then follow these in your thoughts and retrieve the correct order.

Keyword Method

This method is ideal for learning vocabulary. You link the word to be learned with a keyword you already know. This can, for example, be a similar-sounding word from your native language.

Learn With As Many Senses As Possible

The more senses you involve, the better the memorization works. For example, when you listen to a podcast, play a video, or look at charts related to the topic you previously edited in text form. This creates the so-called modality effect, in which visual and acoustic information develop a learning-promoting effect.

You can build on this effect for memorizing by reading your learning material out loud and recording it. You can then listen to the recording, for example, if you go through the associated graphics and diagrams again.


BIO: Jared Houdi is one of the Grademiner’s team finest! If there’s anyone who won’t sleep and eat until a customer’s essay is done, that will be Jared hands down. Some say that there’s no such assignment Jared can’t pull off. A simple 5-paragraph essay or a complex 50-page course work, our man Jared Houdi will meet the deadline no matter what.

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