It’s no secret that our society is becoming more and more technologically bent. With the advent of the third and fourth technological revolutions, people had access to a wealth of information at their fingertips at all times, as well as opportunities to conduct commerce remotely, socialize through a variety of platforms, and the ability to construct marketable images of themselves.

This was all before the coronavirus pandemic swept the land, so to speak, forcing everybody inside and forcing businesses to adapt to remote, digital methods of providing their services to stay competitive. The COVID pandemic forced an acceleration of changes that were already occurring, providing a concrete, existential reason to engage with these new technologies and operate through digitally housed platforms.

When the COVID pandemic finally does pass us over, there will be no returning to pre-COVID, pre-iPhone times; the world has changed irreparably, and the future seems to be digital. Even without the pandemic, the latest tech trends and new developments in existing tech seem determined to continue pushing the envelope, offering users new dimensions of convenience and performing complex operations at low cost.

As such, corporations have to find ways to stake out their own claim on digital space to stay competitive, designing new websites and ways to capitalize on the growing e-commerce trend. With the labor shortage impacting their bottom lines and the already scarce supply of qualified web design professionals, they’re willing to pay top dollar to anyone looking to switch careers and resurrect their online presence.

Has any of the above piqued your interest? Are you looking for a long-term career in an industry that will only become more vital as time goes on? Most importantly, are you looking to rake in cash at a rate you never have before? You might want to consider a career in UX or UI web design. Both are quite profitable and will enable you to tap into freelance web designer jobs.

UX Web Design: Thinking About the Consumer

I make weekly coding tutorial videos on YouTube - check it out!

User experience web design (or UX web design) is all about thinking about the customer’s experience with your product every step of the way, building the bare-bones framework of how the website will work, and seeking to make it as accessible and convenient for the customer as possible.

UX designers typically conduct competitor analyses and customer surveys to get an idea of what consumers generally like out of their web experience and what their competitors are doing successfully. After taking in all the feedback they can, UX designers set about designing the skeleton of the website, constructing a wireframe prototype that the UI designer will later flesh out.

Think of UX designers as big picture idea people, the dreamers: their job is to analyze data, draw conclusions about what will keep customers on your page, and then organize the layout of the fledgling website accordingly.

UI Web Design: Working Out Mechanics

In this pandemic I have been able to work on my personal projects, this is a wireframe that I have been designing.

The user interface designer (or UI designer) is tasked with taking the concept created by the UX designer and bringing it to life, adding the flesh and bones that make it possible for customers to navigate from page to page, as well as making aesthetic decisions that reflect their parent brand.

A UI designer focuses more on the mechanics of the website, deciding whether to add buttons or interactables, what type they should add, animations, and aesthetic details like fonts and color palettes. While UX designers are tasked with designing the overall concept of the website, the UI designer is responsible for making it a functional, accessible product.

Web Design Bootcamps: Switching Careers ASAP

If either of the two positions above sounds like a good fit for you, you may want to consider enrolling in a web design bootcamp.

Going back to a university and enrolling in another four-year program requires a massive expenditure of both time and money, where bootcamps take students who know nothing about web design and supply them with the education and the tools they need to jump right into a career after a single semester.

Different bootcamp providers offer different options for full-time and part-time students, and the price will vary depending on which option you choose. Still, it will be drastically cheaper than earning a four-year degree.

Keeping Your Gaze Fixed on the Future

If you’re thinking about switching, now is a perfect time. The labor shortage has ensured that there is no shortage of potential employers looking to secure web designers by any means necessary. Attending a web design bootcamp, should you choose to, will prepare you to enter the workforce within a matter of months and ensure you get the most out of your investment in higher education.

Get out there, get to learning, and get ready to name your price when you come out.

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